Monday, March 8, 2010

Masih ada lagi

Laaa ingatkan hari ni kurang la sikit sakit kepala ni...
Tapi tader beza pun... Rumah dah bau koyok. Tilam dengan bantal pun dah bau koyok. Kuat betul bau dia, kalah durian... Kenapa org tak buat koyok even though medicated, tapi ada bau2 yang best? From little what I know, sekarang kan dah ada artificial flavorants chemical substances... bukannye kena ada extract pisang kalau nak letak bau pisang? they just need the right codes of aroma chemical compounds in order to produce specific smells...

Let me give some examples, sekarang ni, banyak products kat luar, guna artificial flavours, itu kita tau, some of the big and famous food chain stores, even guna artificial smells ni so that kedai dan persekitaran kedai derang bau sedap... imagine, takkan la bau ayam goreng bleh bau dari jauh kan? jauh dari luar kedai tu dah bleh bau ayam goreng itu... padahal ayam tu derang goreng dalam tangki minyak yang tertutup... logik tak? itu la gunanya artificial bau... *This is what I think, mungkin derang tak guna pun chemical compound ni... tapi secara logiknya la kan... (ayat utk mengelakkan dari kena saman!)

some examples:

Diacetyl = rasa butter2
Isoanyl acetate = pisang
Cinnamic aldehyde = kulit kayu manis
Ethylvanillin = rasa vanilla
Allyl hexanoate = nenas
Limonene = limau

dan banyak lagi... Adakah benda ni bagus utk kita? This is what I always think... *Sebab tu slalu sakit kepala kot.... tapi taktau kebenarannya... memang la those chemical manufactures
claim that these compounds are safe to consume, tapi kita sebagai pengguna ada terpikir tak, kalau semua dah jadi tiruan and chemical based, bila benda2 ni semua campur2 masuk dalam badan kita jadi apa? memang la kalau secara individual isoanyl acetate ni tidak mendatangkan kesan, tapi kalau campur dengan chemical compounds yg lain? Is the newly created chemical mixtures carcinogenic (cancer causing) or even hormone disrupting? To a certain degree I believe so. But what can we do about it? NOTHING unless we have access to natural products kat kampung2 or small and medium towns. Tapi kat Japan for example, memang ada natural products but very costly and skadar skali sekala bleh la, tapi bukan ada kesan kalu takat amik natural products once in a blue moon right?

Oh sudah jauh menyimpang dari bab sakit kepala tadi... asalnye nak sentuh pasal koyok berperisa je... hehehehe..

Why headache ni tak berenti2 ar? Seriously, I don't understand... Is it because of the condition over here is so stressful that I am thinking of unnecessary things? Or perhaps I have to go somewhere peaceful and live a simple life? But Japan is somewhat peaceful I can say.... There is no traffic congestion, no disorganized town and city planning, there is nothing bad here except for some 'human differences'.

If by nature I am a person yang memang suka pikir merapu2, how can I stop thinking? Thinking is not something that I can control... I believe it is beyond human control... by what if because of the thinking causing me to have super headache attacks? Then, am I going to face this till I die? Oh no, this is so painful that I don't even know how to describe.... But kalau dah memudaratkan, how can I stop this thinking? Antara salah satu cara nak berhentikan dari berpikir adalah, put myself in coma condition... I know medically it is possible but very risky.. hey, I don't want to kill myself but how can I avoid all these?

If I were to make myself in coma, there are 75% chances of getting permanent brain damage or die. Hish, ini lagi menyusahkan org lain atau, masuk neraka... takleh takleh...

Ish, penat la pikir.. *Now can you see how I think? and what do you think of how I am thinking? hehehehe.... HELP ME PLEASE...

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